
Item Name Price
Nation Transfer Nation Transfer 200
Scroll of  inteligence(L) Scroll of inteligence(L) 399
Spirit of Merchant Spirit of Merchant 249
NP increase item NP increase item 1699
Redistribution Item Redistribution Item 199
Prayer of Kratos Power Prayer of Kratos Power 339
Resurrection Scroll(60) Resurrection Scroll(60) 799
Job Change (Master) Job Change (Master) 300
Blessing of Logos Blessing of Logos 80
MP Maestro Voucher MP Maestro Voucher 40
Voucher of Infinite Arrow (15 Days) Voucher of Infinite Arrow (15 Days) 25
Voucher of Offline Merchant(30 Days) Voucher of Offline Merchant(30 Days) 100
Clan Nation Transfer Clan Nation Transfer 200
HP Scroll 60% HP Scroll 60% 999
Sealed Item Sealed Item 200
Voucher of Genie ( 15 Days ) Voucher of Genie ( 15 Days ) 60
Emoticon Item Emoticon Item 350
Voucher of Genie ( 15 Days ) Voucher of Genie ( 15 Days ) 700
Voucher of Genie (15 Days) + Auto Loot (15 Days) Voucher of Genie (15 Days) + Auto Loot (15 Days) 1250
Wing of Dragon + Punishment?Stick Exchange Coupon Wing of Dragon + Punishment?Stick Exchange Coupon 750
Red Potion Red Potion 400
Blue Potion Blue Potion 400
Arrange line Arrange line 149
Blessing of Logos Blessing of Logos 149
Magician Attack Power Scroll Magician Attack Power Scroll 339
Automatic Pet Looting Voucher Automatic Pet Looting Voucher 450
Contribution Restoration Certificate Contribution Restoration Certificate 449
Clan name Change scroll Clan name Change scroll 1200
Scroll of Identity Scroll of Identity 1600
1500 HP+ Scroll(L) 1500 HP+ Scroll(L) 499
300 Defense+ Scroll(L) 300 Defense+ Scroll(L) 499
Scroll of Attack Scroll of Attack 299
Scroll of  Strength(L) Scroll of Strength(L) 399
Scroll of  Health(L) Scroll of Health(L) 399
Scroll of  Dexterity(L) Scroll of Dexterity(L) 399
Scroll of  Magic power(L) Scroll of Magic power(L) 399
Spell of Lion's Strength Spell of Lion's Strength 449
Scroll of teleport friend Scroll of teleport friend 449
Genie Hammer Genie Hammer 349
Gender Change Gender Change 349
Speed-Up Potion Speed-Up Potion 149
Mount Scroll - 50 EXP Percent Mount Scroll - 50 EXP Percent 149
Brain of Centaur Brain of Centaur 999
Scroll of Strength Scroll of Strength 129
Scroll of Health(S) Scroll of Health(S) 129
Scroll of Dexterity Scroll of Dexterity 129
Scroll of Intelligence(S) Scroll of Intelligence(S) 129
Scroll of Magic Power(S) Scroll of Magic Power(S) 129
Weapon Enchant Scroll Weapon Enchant Scroll 249
Armor Enchant Scroll Armor Enchant Scroll 249
Voucher of Genie (15 Days) + Auto Loot (15 Days) Voucher of Genie (15 Days) + Auto Loot (15 Days) 100
Jack Point Exp Scroll Jack Point Exp Scroll 40
Jack Point Coin Scroll Jack Point Coin Scroll 40
HP Maestro Voucher HP Maestro Voucher 40
Character Seal Scroll Character Seal Scroll 100
Voucher of Extra Inventory Voucher of Extra Inventory 20
Voucher of Merchant's Eye(30 Days) Voucher of Merchant's Eye(30 Days) 30
Infinity Stone Voucher (15 Day) Infinity Stone Voucher (15 Day) 25
Sealed Item Sealed Item 50
Hyper Noah Hyper Noah 100
Bronze Premium ( 30 Days ) Bronze Premium ( 30 Days ) 1500
Clan premium Clan premium 999
[VIP] Vault key (30 Days) [VIP] Vault key (30 Days) 2000
Premium Potion (HP 500) Premium Potion (HP 500) 500
Premium Potion (MP 500) Premium Potion (MP 500) 500
Premium Potion HP(5000) Premium Potion HP(5000) 1200
Premium Potion MP(5000) Premium Potion MP(5000) 1500
Tag Change Scroll Tag Change Scroll 50
Make Over Coupon Make Over Coupon 149
Menicia's official list coupon(30 Days) Menicia's official list coupon(30 Days) 30
Spirit of Genie(10x) Spirit of Genie(10x) 200
Item Name Price
Menissiah Transform Scroll(El Morad) Menissiah Transform Scroll(El Morad) 499
Hera Transform Scroll(El Morad) Hera Transform Scroll(El Morad) 499
Hera Transform Scroll(Karus) Hera Transform Scroll(Karus) 499
Voucher of Solar Tattoo ( 30 Days ) Voucher of Solar Tattoo ( 30 Days ) 150
Valkyrie Armor Certificate Valkyrie Armor Certificate 60
Valkyrie Helmet Certificate Valkyrie Helmet Certificate 40
Gryphon's Armor Certificate Gryphon's Armor Certificate 60
Gryphon's Helmet Certificate Gryphon's Helmet Certificate 40
Bahamut Helmet Certificate Bahamut Helmet Certificate 40
Certificate of Pathos' Glove Certificate of Pathos' Glove 1200
Cupid's Wing Exchange Coupon Cupid's Wing Exchange Coupon 200
Wings of Hellfire Dragon Exchange Voucher(30 Days) Wings of Hellfire Dragon Exchange Voucher(30 Days) 200
Voucher for Magic Bag Voucher for Magic Bag 149
Oreads Voucher (30 Days) Oreads Voucher (30 Days) 679
Rebirth Restoration Scroll Rebirth Restoration Scroll 299
Accessory Disassemble Scroll Accessory Disassemble Scroll 299
Dryad Voucher Dryad Voucher 679
Pathos Gloves Package(30 Day) Pathos Gloves Package(30 Day) 499
Helmet of Wrath Exchange Certificate Helmet of Wrath Exchange Certificate 399
Crisis Transformation Scroll(El Morad) Crisis Transformation Scroll(El Morad) 799
Ibex Transformation Scroll(Karus) Ibex Transformation Scroll(Karus) 799
Menissiah Transform Scroll(Karus) Menissiah Transform Scroll(Karus) 499
Cougar Transform Scroll(El Morad) Cougar Transform Scroll(El Morad) 499
Cougar Transform Scroll(Karus) Cougar Transform Scroll(Karus) 499
Patrick Transform Scroll(El Morad) Patrick Transform Scroll(El Morad) 499
Patrick Transform Scroll(Karus) Patrick Transform Scroll(Karus) 499
Genie Transform Scroll (Kecoon) Genie Transform Scroll (Kecoon) 1000
Genie Transform Scroll (Death Knight) Genie Transform Scroll (Death Knight) 1000
Genie Transform Scroll (Orc Bowman) Genie Transform Scroll (Orc Bowman) 1000
Genie Transform Scroll (Uruk Tron) Genie Transform Scroll (Uruk Tron) 1000
Voucher of Lunar Tattoo ( 30 Days ) Voucher of Lunar Tattoo ( 30 Days ) 150
Voucher of Stella Tattoo ( 30 Days ) Voucher of Stella Tattoo ( 30 Days ) 150
Voucher of Nimbus Tattoo ( 30 Days ) Voucher of Nimbus Tattoo ( 30 Days ) 200
Bahamut Armor Certificate Bahamut Armor Certificate 60
Gold Star Voucher ( 30 Days ) Gold Star Voucher ( 30 Days ) 60
Silver Star Voucher ( 30 Days ) Silver Star Voucher ( 30 Days ) 40
Bronze Star Voucher ( 30 Days ) Bronze Star Voucher ( 30 Days ) 20
Superior Cape Exchange Voucher (7 Days) Superior Cape Exchange Voucher (7 Days) 10000
Wing of Dragon Exchange Coupon Wing of Dragon Exchange Coupon 200
Battle Heros Wing Exchange Coupon[30 Days] Battle Heros Wing Exchange Coupon[30 Days] 200
Battle Hero's Wing Exchange Coupon Battle Hero's Wing Exchange Coupon 200
Alencia Wing Exchange Coupon(30day) Alencia Wing Exchange Coupon(30day) 200